Battery Capacity class="date">2024-08-22Selection: 1.93 MWh Battery Capacity
Rationale: A 1.9MWh battery capacity is selected based on the island s daily power consumption and emergency backup needs. This capac... Flexible Energy Management class="date">2024-08-22The system enables seamless integration with photovoltaic panels and diesel generators, supporting versatile energy switching for enhanced stability and reliability in power supply. Core Parameters class="date">2024-08-22Battery Storage SystemCell TypeSystem Battery ConfigurationRated Battery Capacity(kWh)Battery Voltage Range(V)BMS Commun... Cost-Effectiveness and Sustainability class="date">2024-09-04The combination of photovoltaic and energy storage reduces operational costs and carbon footprint, aligning with green energy trends. Flexibility and Reliability class="date">2024-09-04The 1MW PCS, photovoltaic inverter, and STS module provide versatile functions such as charging, discharging, and grid interaction. This setup mitigates the impact of diesel generator integration and improves power quality, ensuring high system reliability and rapid emergency response. Optimized Configuration class="date">2024-09-04The 500kW photovoltaic system paired with 1.9MWh storage is designed based on the store s actual energy needs and local sunlight conditions, avoiding unnecessary costs from over configuration. Daily Earnings class="date">2024-08-224MWh*$1.1 kWh Monthly Return class="date">2024-08-22$4,400*30 Annual Return class="date">2024-08-22$4,400*365 Ten-year return class="date">2024-08-22$1,606,000*10